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What is Moissanite and Why Is It Taking Over the Diamond Industry?

If you’ve never heard of moissanite, you’re about to, and not just from me! Moissanite is a naturally occurring, extremely rare mineral that’s taking the diamond industry by storm. And there are many reasons for this market disruption.

Consider this post your introduction to moissanite, its appeal to jewelry consumers, and why it’s rapidly become so popular.

A Brilliant Debut

First discovered by Henri Moissan in 1893 in specimens from meteor craters, naturally occurring moissanite is an exceedingly rare mineral. It consists of silicon carbide found only in high mantle rock and meteor craters. At first sight, Moissan is said to have believed that what he’d found was diamonds as the moissanite was so brilliantly shiny. This confusion was to prevent the proper identification of the material until 1904.

In 1907, Moisson was to die, actively attempting to synthesize a version of the brilliant mineral he’d found. And why? Because natural moissanite is incredibly rare, Moissan knew that supply couldn’t hope to meet the potential commercial demand for a mineral so brilliant.

Synthetic Moissanite: Unparalleled Fire

Until moissanite was finally synthesized into a gemstone-quality material, a version of the mineral was used primarily to grind other materials by dentists and jewelers. That changed with gemstone quality being achieved by Cree Research in 1987. But it wasn’t until Charles & Colvard created a colorless gemstone modeling organic moissonite’s fire that the brilliant gemstone we know today was born.

And in that fire is much of moissonite’s success as a gemstone in competition with the acknowledged Queen of Gemstones – the diamond. Moissanite has twice the fire of natural diamonds. But today, moissanite has another competitor – the lab-grown Diamond

Alternative Diamonds

Moissanite doesn’t exist as an alternative. It exists as a faithful representation of a mineral that’s too rare to monetize. Alternative diamonds, on the other hand, have primarily appealed to economic considerations and to personal ethical conflicts with diamond mining. 

While these conflicts are being resolved via more stringent regulation, some continue to prefer the alternative version of diamonds. That story is being told in the market, where alternative diamonds are growing in popularity.

Alternative diamonds feature a higher sticker price than moissanite, with a 1-carat moissanite gem costing between $300 and $600 and an alternative diamond clocking in at $800 to $1,500. While both synthetic representations rival the original article, moissonite’s fire is unparalleled.

Moissanite in the Market

But what explains Moissanite’s aggressive incursion into the diamond market? Fire is only half the story. The rest of the story is like a capsule of the greater commercial market. Consumers want to feel good about their purchases. Ethics have become a signpost on the consumer journey, so a gem produced in a lab has an ecological appeal, from the standpoint of sustainability.

The ethical consumer is further attracted to moissanite by its affordability. In trying times, this consumer may feel inhibited by the prospect of spending a tremendous amount of money on jewelry – even on engagement rings. In a world of worthy causes, some choose to deploy their money differently. Perhaps the engagement ring itself has reached a moment of transformation, starting with a new kind of consumer.

Grayscale Photo of 2 Silver With Diamond Rings

Captured Fire for Ethical Consumers

Moissanite represents a new way of thinking about gemstones. From dramatic beginnings in organic form, moissanite now stands as a burgeoning democratization of the diamond industry. While the value of this synthetic gem is increasing with its popularity, it’s still clearing paths into a high-dollar market for those previously less able to participate.

Young consumers are also drawn to the ethical nature of the gem and the fact it’s not mined from the ground. But the glory of the stone, in its brilliance and scintillating beauty, also draws their admiration. The internet further drives moissanite’s popularity with a world of information that the ethical consumer prides themself on having a command of.

With a remarkable refractory ability, the fiery brilliance of this remarkable replica gemstone pleases the eyes of jewelry lovers, providing a dazzling show for a ticket price that’s modestly realistic. Durable, light-catching, and as enduringly beautiful as any diamond, you may yet decide to go the traditional route. Or you may prefer an alternative diamond. What you must admit is that the captured fire of moissanite is as rare as the organic mineral itself.